Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Wanna hear a secret? Being a new mom is hard, ya'll! I can think of other life changing situations that are probably a lot more emotionally draining, but for sheer exhaustion and stress, this has to be up there. Keep in mind that I'm not feeling that at the moment or I probably wouldn't feel like updating this outdated blog, but there have been some rough days the last few weeks. Everyone says parenthood is so rewarding, and I'm sure it will be soon, but for now, it's more like being a personal assistant to someone who's demanding and insists you be on call all hours of the day. Then makes you get up and do things for them all hours of the day. Then forgets your birthday and doesn't even recognize you when they see you in the store. I know the day is fast approaching when that little face will look up at me and smile and it will all change. Even now, at 5 weeks, Emily can hold her focus on things, so during the short spurts when she's awake and active, she'll look with those big eyes and just stare at me for a minute.

For about a week there, Emily wasn't sleeping very well at night. Or at least, she wasn't sleeping in her crib very well. She'd fall asleep with me holding her, but would wake up as soon as I set her down. Now if it takes me more than about 30 minutes to get her to sleep in the middle of the night, I just plop down on the sofa and we sleep there for a few hours until she gets hungry again. The last week or so has been much better though. Last night, she went down at about 10:30, then woke up at 12:30, 4:45, and again at 6. Each time, she ate and went right back to sleep. It's amazing how that four hour stretch makes such a huge difference.

We've at least gotten in enough of a routine that I can get out to run errands to the grocery store or the library. We just head out after she eats and she usually falls asleep in the car then stays asleep in her seat for the duration of the trip.

I'll try to make future posts a bit more riveting, or at least have them include some cute photos. For now, I hear someone calling me....

1 comment:

kate said...

Babies are the worst bosses ever. I've had some demanding bosses, but I've never had to deal with their poop. I love this, you always have such a good perspective on mom stuff.