Monday, April 26, 2010

There's a Reason They Call it "Classic"

We're considering getting a minivan and it was kinda freaking me out. I was getting all stressed about what sort of impact this would have on my self image, my style, my general psyche and outlook on life. I was even asking friends who drive minivans what sort of effect it'd had on them. I was worrying way too much about it. I told one person I was afraid it was going to be my first major step into midlife and that I feared there would be no turning back. I was a bit surprised when this person pointed out that perhaps I already had my toes in the water of midlife. I had to sit down and think about it, but in the end, I'm afraid they're right. Let me lay out the evidence for you:

  • I have a baby and a mortgage
  • I don't remember the last time I ate ramen
  • When I go to the movies, I'll choose a Saturday matinĂ©e over opening night every time
  • I watch more VH1 than MTV
  • All the country songs I know the words to are on the "Classic Country" station

I had all this in mind when we went to test drive a minivan. Then the more we drove around, I started to realize that for every reservation I had about the situation, the minivan had an answer. I thought about "classic" county, it had magic stowaway seats. I tried to remember what ramen tastes like, the van had dual power sliding doors. In the end, the van had answers to questions I hadn't even thought of yet. So now we're on the lookout for a good used van. I'm completely over the anxiety of buying a minivan because the thing they don't tell you about getting older is that the only people who think you look "uncool" are the people half your age trying to look cool. So I'm done worrying about how I'll look when the windows are rolled down. It only took one test drive to realize that part of getting older is caring less about whether I look cool and more about what makes my life easier.

If you don't know me by now...

I would make a horrible celebrity. I would be the kind of celebrity who shows up looking fantastic on the red carpet, but doesn't want to go on Oprah or be interviewed by Diane Sawyer or say anything public about my private life. In other words, I would be a very boring celebrity for my throngs of adoring fans. I discovered this about myself when I recently re-started this blog during a rash of blogging by some friends. My friends new blogs are wonderful and insightful and provide a peak into their thoughts and lives. I, on the other hand, blog about babies riding in boxes and speak philosophically about the differences between the menus at McDonald's and Taco Bell. There is nothing wrong with either kind of blog, I've just been stuck by the differences and it's shown me something about myself that I always kind of knew but never really put words to. I rarely let people in on the details of my personal life. I love hearing about other people's lives...their thoughts and hardships and joys...but I'm not liable to ask any more than I think they want to tell me or tell much more than they ask. It isn't that I'm embarrassed about my life or have some big secret I'm hiding, I'm just a "good fences make good neighbors" kind of girl. But even Frost wrote that "Something there is that doesn't love a wall" and maybe he was on to something. Maybe I should be more forthcoming so that the people who know me feel like they actually know me. With that in mind, I'm making two offers. The first is that I'll try to be more forthcoming in general with the people I hold near and dear. The second is this...if there's anything you want to know about me, now's your chance. Any takers?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Vroom Vroom

I used to think that people who worked at liquor stores had access to the best boxes, but now that I’m buying a box of diapers every couple of weeks I’m rethinking that position. I still think a liquor store employee is your best friend if you’re moving anytime soon, but I think that what moms lack in sheer volume of boxes, we make up for with quality. Diaper boxes are the perfect size, they’re made of glossy corrugated cardboard, and , they have cut-outs on the sides for easy portability. I even tested a diaper box this afternoon and learned that it can even double as a baby sled, if necessary.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

If I Plant It, Will They Come?

Now that I'm staying home with Emily, I'm always on the lookout for free or low-cost things to keep us busy. Not that Emily doesn't keep me busy enough as it is, but I like to have things that give me goals and routines. Otherwise, E and me just end up in the floor playing with blocks all day. While she may not mind that, I'd rather take the initiative to go to storytime at the library or make a trip to the zoo. My newest idea for a productive activity is to grow some vegetables. The spots in our back yard that get the best sun aren't the spots I wanted to tear up to plant vegetables, so I picked things that could planted in containers. I've got a tomato plant in a 5-gallon bucket, some peas, some carrots, basil, and oregano. I'm not sure if I have a green thumb or not, but I'm two days in and so far nothing has sprouted. I'll keep you posted.