Monday, April 26, 2010

If you don't know me by now...

I would make a horrible celebrity. I would be the kind of celebrity who shows up looking fantastic on the red carpet, but doesn't want to go on Oprah or be interviewed by Diane Sawyer or say anything public about my private life. In other words, I would be a very boring celebrity for my throngs of adoring fans. I discovered this about myself when I recently re-started this blog during a rash of blogging by some friends. My friends new blogs are wonderful and insightful and provide a peak into their thoughts and lives. I, on the other hand, blog about babies riding in boxes and speak philosophically about the differences between the menus at McDonald's and Taco Bell. There is nothing wrong with either kind of blog, I've just been stuck by the differences and it's shown me something about myself that I always kind of knew but never really put words to. I rarely let people in on the details of my personal life. I love hearing about other people's lives...their thoughts and hardships and joys...but I'm not liable to ask any more than I think they want to tell me or tell much more than they ask. It isn't that I'm embarrassed about my life or have some big secret I'm hiding, I'm just a "good fences make good neighbors" kind of girl. But even Frost wrote that "Something there is that doesn't love a wall" and maybe he was on to something. Maybe I should be more forthcoming so that the people who know me feel like they actually know me. With that in mind, I'm making two offers. The first is that I'll try to be more forthcoming in general with the people I hold near and dear. The second is this...if there's anything you want to know about me, now's your chance. Any takers?


kate said...

Ok, you are totally not going to believe this, esp. since I have started being ultra honest on my blog, but I feel like I do this sometimes, too. It's a little scary to open yourself up to be judged, poked at, loved, etc.

I want to know:
- what has been your best parenting moment?
- one travel destination of your bucket list
- most recent impluse purchase

Also, I love how you state that you would look fabulous on the red carpet. I agree.

Lindsay said...

I am also ultra-private. If you look at my facebook friends list, I'm only up to 62 and 10 of those have been added in the last 3 weeks. I only added my mother-in-law last week after the 3rd time she friend requested me.
And personally, I happen to love your blog. It cracks me up. It makes me happy.
As for how mine became the way it is, well to be honest...I only thought about 4 people would read it and only because I forced them too. So I wasn't afraid to share my feelings. And now I know how wonderful it feels to be open and honest about things that are truly going on inside my heart and head. (I'm writing this like I have 1000 followers and have written more than 4 posts!)

Elizabeth said...

Kate, you're right, it is a little scary to put yourself out there. Being so open and honest is a type of courage I lack sometimes. However, I think when you surround yourself with people who truly love you for you, the judging and poking that we fear will turn out to be pretty scarce. In a blog though, I don't know who'll come across it, so I guess I'm even more reluctant.

Lindsay, I'm glad my blog amuses someone besides just me! I'm glad you're enjoying blogging so much and I look forward to your future entries.

Kate, I am not ignoring your queries, but the night is upon me and this girlie needs to get some sleep. Will post answers soon!

kate said...

Also, the most important question, do you like youself?

Elizabeth said...

Best parenting moment:
I don't think Emily is old enough for my "best parenting moment" to be something really pivotal like whether or not she can go to the prom with the guy who drives a motorcycle. I think this stage of parenting is more making decisions about myself rather than about her. So I guess my best parenting moment was when I realized that, for the time being, i have to let her schedule take precedence over mine. I say this because my worst parenting moments, when I get impatient or frazzled, have come when I tried to construct events based on the fact the she was going to be awake or asleep or happy at a certain time so that I could do something I want. And when her nap goes short or she gets fussy on the way to do something, my plans all start tumbling down and it feels like everything's just falling apart. So instead, I try to be flexible and do what I can when I can. Figuring that out and trying to stick to it has lowered my daily stress by so much.

Travel destination on my bucket list: There are several, but if I could only take one more trip for the rest of my life, I would probably go to New York. I think it's the sort of city that's on par with London or Paris, but it's right here in our own back yard. I want to see the American version of a big, important, bustling city.

Most recent impulse purchase:
I'm bad about impulse buying at the grocery store. Not a lot of stuff every time, just an item here or there. I'm especially a sucker for alternate versions of common products. For instance, I don't even like Pepsi, but when they introduced Pepsi Throwback with real sugar instead of HFCS, I had to try it. Most recently was just yesterday at the grocery store. The only non-express lane opened happened to have several types of candy bars I'd never seen before. There was Snicker's with Fudge, Twix Java, Milky Way Simply's as though someone stole foods from an alternate universe and put them on sale at Walmart. I went for the Twix Java and Snickers with Fudge. It was a dollar well spent. The more I think about this, the more I think I should made this into a whole new blog post. Which leads me to...

Do I like myself?
I have been thinking about this one since you posted on FB about it. My yes/no answer is "yes", but that's not really a yes/no question, is it? I will make my answer to this one a future post.

kate said...

Love the answers. I think the parenting moment you talked about is a pretty big deal.
You are so right on the last question. You just can't say yes or no without an explaination. I am looking forward to yours and I am really enjoying your blog! Save me some of the Snickers Java, ok?