Monday, February 23, 2009


Something about pregnancy has started effecting my dreams. I don't mean my hopes and aspirations for the future, I mean the actual dreams I'm having at night. Before I got pregnant, I might remember my dream a couple of nights a week. On the other hand, there was a night this past week when I fell asleep at a normal time, then woke up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom (something which has become a regular event), woke up again before the alarm went off, and then woke up when the alarm actually went off. This gave me three distinct sleep periods, and I remember a different dream for each one. I've always known that you remember a dream better when you wake up, so that's part of the explanation I've heard as to why pregnancy can do this to you, but I have to think it's more than just that.

Last night, I had a dream where I was trying to pay my taxes at the YMCA. When I handed them my driver's license, it said my name was "Elizabeth Cocalo". (Co Ca Lo is the name of the company that made our nursery bedding by the way, so that's where that came from) They tried to arrest me for having false ID, but I also had ID with my actual name on it, so they let me go. Then they refused to give me a haircut because they insisted my fake ID proved that I wasn't a U.S. Citizen. The lady was trying to be discreet about it, so she just slipped me a note that said "People with green cards are not eligible to receive haircuts". I was able to convince them that it was all just a misunderstanding and they agreed to let me get a haircut. Unfortunately, there were a lot of other people (bona fide U.S. citizens, I suppose) who were there for haircuts, so I had to sit in the waiting room and watch Jeopardy until a chair opened up.

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