Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Belly Band or Tube Top? Either way, I'm a winner!

Four months into my pregnancy, and I'm finally starting to show! It's more or less obvious depending on what shirt I'm wearing, but my pants can definitely tell. Some of them are refusing to be worn at all. In fact, I wore the same pair of jeans to work all last week because they were the only ones I was remotely comfortable in. When I mentioned this to a friend who just had a baby, she told me about "belly bands". I had never heard of such a thing, so I won't assume that you have either. It's essentially a spandex tube top that's meant to be worn around your waist. It allows you to wear your regular pants unbuttoned, then pull the spandex down over the top so that no one can tell they're not buttoned and they don't tend to fall down. Then you just wear whatever shirt you want and the belly band just looks like a stylish layer.

I tend to be dubious of things like this. Especially things that obviously cost a great deal more to buy than they do to make. But I did find a cheap version at Target, so I'm going to give it a try. It it lets me put off buying maternity jeans for a little longer, it'll be worth it. I figure, at the very worst, I've got a new tube top!

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