Sunday, January 25, 2009

Tall and pregnant

I went looking for maternity jeans yesterday. Everyone who sees me insists that I'm still so small for being 4 months pregnant, but my jeans beg to differ. Even doing the rubber band trick with the button and covering it all up with a belly band was getting uncomfortable. So I decided to go looking for "mom jeans" while I still had at least one pair that I could leave the house in. I suppose I could have waited a little longer and rolled up there in some sweat pants at the last possible moment, but I'd rather not.

From asking around, I decided to start my search at Motherhood Maternity. They had a lot of different styles to choose from and the lady there was very helpful. The best part was that, except for the stretchy tops, you would never know that the jeans were maternity jeans. The worst part was that they didn't carry any tall sizes. Instead, the sizes did something that has always confounded me. As the overall size got bigger, the legs got longer. I see this all the time, but I don't understand it. Perhaps there is a lineage of people who grow in perfect height/weight proportions, but I did not descend from these people. So I had to start looking elsewhere for maternity jeans.

My next stop was JC Penney's. After making a lap around the clothing department, I finally had to ask where the maternity section was. The girl wasn't surprised that I'd missed it and led me to two rows of clothing wedged between petites and work out clothing. In spite of their lack of volume, they had a pretty good selection of pants. I found a couple of pairs of jeans that fit well except for the length. This put me back at square one, except that I know from experience that JC Penney's web site tends to carry tall sizes. As I found out when I got home, this applies to their maternity clothes as well, so I might be ordering some from there. For the time being, I did find 2 pairs of casual corduroy maternity pants with a huge 2 inch hem in them. They were on clearance, so I got both pairs for under $20 and had my mom let the hem out to make them longer.

After relating the results of my pant quest to couple of recently pregnant friends, I got another tip on where to check for tall sizes, so between there and Penney's, I should be able to find some good jeans. Those I'll be able to wear year round, and once it gets too hot for the corduroys, I can switch to capris or some kind of shorts where tall sizes will be a moot point.

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